Here we ofer some alternatives so you can enjoy while you are staying in our hostel. You will take advantage of our incredible location to make the most out of your days. Extremadura will never stop amazing you.
Extremadura gathers three cities which are world heritage: Guadalupe, Cáceres and Mérida accesible from Trujillo via one day round trip.
Furthermore just inside our city we have other many activities you can take part in by visiting Turismo Trujillo:
guided visits to the previously mentiones world heritage cities.
4X4 tours to both Monfragüe and Dehesa Ntional Parks.
The “Berrea” from Monfragüe which consits on the the sound deers make on mating season.
Birding on Monfragüe, The llanos of Cáceres and Sierra de Villuercas.
Rout of Iberic ham and Dehesa Extremeña.
Guided tours to wineries and wine tasting.
Visiting catle farms.
Gastronomic walks and thematic routes.
Idiomatic tourism.